My second grandson told me last year that he now has to wear deodorant even though he forgets sometimes. His one and only sister said, "You need it." (You gotta love those siblings, right?) Then he said, "I know, but I forget."
I was around nine years of age when my mother introduced me to a canister of Arrid Cream Deodorant and told me it was now my responsibility to use it daily on my armpits. I remember giggling in my mind until I heard her reasoning. My mother said that deodorant would help me not smell like sweat. I must say, I was offended because I bathed regularly, rarely sweated and most of all (and importantly) had recently bought a bottle of perfume with my allowance which I was sure would spice up any alleged odor.
But, deodorant for me as a child had two implications. Using it meant I was getting older, which of course I wanted. I was sure this was the beginning of being taken seriously. But the downside, I would realize later, was that deodorant would be a lifetime friend.

Through the years, my brand and style of deo has changed from cream to spray to roller to solids.
Since that time, I've never left home without it...well not on purpose.
From the Ruralhood culture, or any culture, wearing deodorant for the first time is a right of passage or is it a curse?
Photo sources: Google Images